2020年4月6日 星期一

勞作 修理雙切開關 109.04.05

客廳的雙切開關壞了 客廳的燈是大門入口和樓梯雙切的

先學會家裡的總開關箱 修理開關以前 先關閉電力開關
順便熟悉一下 家裡的電器配電 包括 鐵捲門 揚水馬達 電燈 插座 廚房 冷氣
整個房子的總開關 還有過載保護電驛

用三用電表 測一下 確定插座沒有電







3 則留言:

  1. 太小了,不小心會被電到的,可以教他們殺豬,以便日後當醫生喔

  2. even if the power is off ...

    ... it's not a good idea to "experiment" with your home installation

    possible draw-backs ::

    • Al+ wires don't like much bending

    • when assembling the "outlets" back you must ensure the "safe"/correct placement of wires , no (exessive) stress to contact points , the "safe clearances" (without mecanical tension/stress) in between wires ← is unlikely to cause the short circuit in case of normal grid conditions - but there might be spikes at/after the "power failure" - so you do not want to compromise your safety - while not at home and can't fast react on events

    other than that -- you must always be aware/know your "potential" relative placement in electrical circuit - it is constantly aware state , constantly aware planning and committing your movements . . . especially with the high voltage

    not trying to scare you off the learning . . . just you must "address" everything here . . . at all times

    . . .

    the moisture and oil conducts ~AC . . .

    i have survived my mistakes in the past - some of which might have been lethal

    ... there was an old radio at my grammas (a real - not the spirit of) when a kid i was exploring it ... but it contained the decades of dust , had probably the dried electrolytic capacitors and perhaps more potential fault points . . . so it burst into the fire at one point , gramma run in and poured water on it to set it off ...
    ... well we both were instantly in a "pool of ~AC" - somehow i managed to fore me to crawl to the wall-plug and pull it off - otherwise it'd have end up with "two flies in a one stroke" condition . . . muhahahahaa . . . \°o­°/ (help,help)

  3. ... in India , they tell , the grid maintenance electricians throw out the carbonized cats from the substations , who have crept there for a warm place to sleep ... if you plan a different future ...

    my grandpa was a grid maintenance electrician - i'm a long term hobbyist - but even i only touch my hose wiring if it's absolutely unavoidable

    get it right - your post is alarming
