2020年4月6日 星期一

勞作 生物 顯微鏡下的世界 109.04.05 蜘蛛

2 則留言:

  1. the electricity and circuits are also the spirit of sis
    . . . usually the spirit of mom does not like you to "crack" the spirit of sis
    in today's world "being to everyones like" might be challenge if not impossible
    (consult your local holy-man ... perhaps)

    otherwise https://zeptobars.com/en/ ← "other people have kindly made mistakes for you"

    as with the sword → you should keep in mind who you mod(ify) F;·Y

    the spirit of sis is the green heart chackra . . . and along with the (spirit of) grandma the ?3-rd eye? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violet_(color) one

  2. (i kind of hope you do not take me seriously) . . . but if you do - the most stupid thing would be start blaming each other about what you did not knew ... v-.-v
