2021年7月25日 星期日

275奈米紫外線殺菌系統第四版 (二)110.07.24


上錫以前  空的鋁基板


焊台加熱   焊上深紫外線LED   限流電阻

焊好深紫外線LED   限流電阻  的鋁基板

預備 360奈米紫外線LED燈板

品管作業   測試一下LED是否正常點亮


中場休息  玩跳舞機


1 則留言:

  1. with my (rather limited) experience (i'm a hobbyist) the Solder Wire Kristall 511 has proven best so far (can solder wires to roughed steel surface - worked fine for the custom pF capacitors - never performed a "pull off" test however)

    PS! i can't guess which solder would fit best your needs -- there might be some cheaper alternate that may perform nearly as well -- ? a random Google search ?

    more links : The difference between zero-ohm resistance and direct wire connection , alternate : SMD jumpers
